The train is coming...

The 1965 single by the Impressions - People Get Ready, and sung beautifully by one of the most pure voices on the planet, the amazing Eva Cassidy (see below) includes the following lines:

People get ready
There's a train a-coming
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear diesels humming
You don't need no ticket
You just thank the Lord
Yeah yeah yeah

How true are these words today. Your entry to heaven has been paid for. It's a gift - but it needs to be acknowledged and accepted to become alive for you. You don't have much time left though. You need to be ready.

Whether or not you are a skeptic, it's worth considering how much points to the latter part of September 2017. A celestial sign directly matches a detailed description in the book of Revelation written in 90AD. It is a sign, marking the beginning of the age of the removal from danger, those who believe. Regardless of the actual date (it will be soon), believe me this is the event You. Do. Not. Want. To. Miss.

Why? Because that event also marks the start of the Great Tribulation. This is the nasty stuff - in fact it will be absolutely terrifying.

If you have studied this enough to make a decision, and you want to get on-board, there is a guide on how to do this (and by the way, it is totally going to be an awesome party!)

As a background, Christ fully completed all work required to enter into Heaven, however the decision to accept this reality lies with us. We need humble and believing hearts. Humble as we admit we don't have what it takes to meet the standards required (for most this is a relief), and faith to accept there is someone who is willing and able to stand in for us.

Heaven needs to be pure - completely free of corruption, evil, falsity, and everything bad we see in life today. This is important, because eternity is a long time! So with the standards so high, we need to rely on someone else who can be an intermediary for us. That person is Christ. And he's done a complete job with everything you need. Amazing. That's what set's this whole story apart from all the others - our Creator actually did the work for us.

We have been created with a hallmark characteristic, that our Creator himself will protect - and that is our power to choose. We literally choose our own eternal destiny. Isn't that amazing? Remember that we are born into a default state that does not include heaven as our destiny. We need to choose it.

Why is this so, if the consequences of a life without our Creator are so horrific? Because if we didn't have choice, then any relationship with our Creator would lack authenticity. It has to be real. Honest relationships have free will and choice at their centre.

So, all the work has been done, yet the choice to accept remains with us.

The window of opportunity remains while we live on earth.

Restored footage of Eva Cassidy performing People Get Ready. The performance took place at the Blues Alley jazz supper club in Georgetown, DC, on the 3rd January 1996. Recorded by Bryan McCulley on 3 January 1996.


Full Lyrics Here:

People get ready
There's a train a-coming
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear diesels humming
You don't need no ticket
You just thank the Lord
Yeah yeah yeah

People get ready
For the train to Jordan
Picking up passengers
From coast to coast
Faith is the key
Open the doors and board them
There's room for all
Among the loved and lost

Now there ain't no room
For the hopeless sinner
Whom would hurt all mankind
Just to save his own
Have pity on those
Whose chances are thinner
'Cause there's no hiding place
From the Kingdom's throne