Signs in the skies

I wanted to share a couple of signs that appeared in the ensuing few weeks after my photo taken July 9th, 2017 (appearing at the end of this post), involving cloud formations.


There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Luke 21:11

The thing with the following photos is that I wasn't even looking for them. They just turned up during my regular perusal of world events, from around July-Aug 2017.

When we see how every atom and molecule is created and under the hand of a sovereign Creator, is it hard to believe that the formation of everything in the sky has purpose and design behind it?

(While we're talking about signs, I can't go without ignoring the significance of the August 21st eclipse passing through 7 "Salem's in the US (Salem being the abbreviated "Jeru-Salem) - 33 days before 23rd Sept, starting in the 33rd state and ending at the 33rd parallel.  70 miles wide. 33 in Strong's numbers means "come" and 7 meaning Divine completion or perfection. Israel's time is coming in the tribulation as the church age ends across the rest of the earth).

Why would a loving, sovereign Creator not warn those He loves? In fact He does warn us of His intentions ahead of time:

For the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.
— Amos 3:7

Regardless of the outcome of our sovereignty beliefs, I started to wonder just how many of these quite symbolic looking "images in the sky" could just happen randomly and mean absolutely nothing in regards to the coming, planned and prophesied judgement upon the earth... coming at the same time as the catching away of those having a saving faith in Christ (i.e. doorway into heaven)...

I'll leave you with these screenshots courtesy of RT and Mailonline.


A glowing rectangle in the sky above Shangdong Province, China:


A green fireball (fireballs are usually explained quickly by authorities, however an explanation for this one was not apparent)

And in the interests of getting this post up, I will finish on one... a mysterious as-yet-unexplained "cloud" where 50 people suffered stinging eyes and trouble breathing, and the beach evacuated in the South of England - a beach known for it's high…

And in the interests of getting this post up, I will finish on one... a mysterious as-yet-unexplained "cloud" where 50 people suffered stinging eyes and trouble breathing, and the beach evacuated in the South of England - a beach known for it's high cliffs and also notorious for suicides... read more here. They're still not sure what it was.

Then of course is the appearance of this dragon-like image taken on the full moon 77 days out from the 23 Sept 2017 Great Sign. This appeared for a few seconds as I looked up during the July 9th full moon in Australia.

Then of course is the appearance of this dragon-like image taken on the full moon 77 days out from the 23 Sept 2017 Great Sign. This appeared for a few seconds as I looked up during the July 9th full moon in Australia.