Predictive Programming Through Media

Predictive Programming Through Media

Whether you believe in coincidence, or a guided agenda, this is a body of evidence that should form part of a critical-thinker’s volume of information to form an accurate world view. If you only have 5 minutes, then start at approximately the 47 min mark where he uses the example of the Simpsons, a virus, vaccinations, and the rapture!

It's all about The Vaccine...

It's all about The Vaccine...

All vaccines are not created equal. In 2020, vaccines can be produced so quickly if they are synthetic, and contain coding that our body can read at a genetic level to provide a response. However that’s not the whole story. A raft of technologies are being developed to be included in this COVID vaccine, or one in the near future, that should have us take notice of where our future lies and the choices we have to make today.

The Mark of a Designer

The Mark of a Designer

The exceptional design of our created world, connected with world events and signs in the sky is part of the expansive and loving plan of our Creator-Father, communicated to those with ears to hear. The article linked at the end of this article, describes more of these signs today, including how the world is so polarised and pressurised it seems something has to give…

Burned out on religion?

Burned out on religion?

When Love walked the earth, we were told “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…” This is a different story to what most associate with religion. With over 2.2 million views, this beautifully-filmed song by United Pursuit (feat. Will Reagan) reminds us that when we come back to a Person - who has embraced all of heaven and all of earth, our humanity can be lifted up to the place of heaven in a moment… the moment we choose to lay it all down.

The Unveiling Begins... Kushner's Middle-East Peace Plan

The Unveiling Begins... Kushner's Middle-East Peace Plan

2-years in the making, the economic phase of Jared Kushner’s middle-east peace plan is being unveiled at a workshop in Bahrain attended by world leaders. It anticipates US$50 billion of investment in areas such as infrastructure, energy, water, tourism, technology, training, education and healthcare. The most comprehensive and peer-reviewed plan in history for this region, it represents a big step forward in the possible fulfilment of Bible prophecy. It could be the plan that is later enforced by the new world leader termed in prophecy as the antichrist.

Life after Life… is it Real?

Life after Life… is it Real?

The evidence-based study of thousands of those who have had a near-death-experience (NDE) shows amazing commonalities across all cultures, races and ethnic backgrounds including being more alert and conscious when leaving their bodies, seeing a being of light and love, and having a life review. This update looks at how real the afterlife is and what has been discovered since the term NDE was coined in 1975.

The Great Perspective

The Great Perspective

The rate and intensity of events today are unprecedented. It’s important to recognise history written ahead of time in scriptures written millennia-ago, and how they are converging today for the first time. It’s particularly noted that May 14, 2018 is Israel’s 70th anniversary and the coming days / weeks / months are significant. Jesus said “look up”… and it’s about time we made the decision to accept Him, ready for His return.