Billy Graham

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Although I never heard Billy Graham preach live, I have always felt an affinity with his simple, direct, and powerful style of sharing a message of love and truth. The world is for sure a better place after his lifelong ministry.

In these last days, as a person who shared this message personally with over a 215 million people, and in the context of an almighty Creator with a divine plan, his passing is absolutely no coincidence. Especially in connection to the timing.

3 new articles / pages are linked here, with extracts, to help reflect on how this might play out in our Creator's divine plan. His plan is communicated through His Word and in signs and events that are increasing in both frequency and intensity.

Here's the 3 links directly below, with a summary of each further down the page.

  1. Unsealed

  2. Watchfortheday

  3. Daily Crow (search for the following text: He lived 99 years 3 months and 14 days or 99 + Pi )



He preached the gospel as best as he knew how and devoted his life to reaching the masses with the good news of free pardon through faith in Jesus Christ—a message not heard in many other Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church.

And as if perfectly, dare I say, divinely, planned, news broke just yesterday that the United States is finalizing its long-awaited Middle East peace plan and just briefed the United Nations Security Council on some if its key details.  We're here folks, so get ready and stay alert.  The Revelation 12 Sign and all of the incredible subsequent signs were a red alert—perhaps the final major alarm for the Church.

Consider what Graham's daughter, Anne Lotz, said about her father just a few short years ago as reported in The Christian Post:

Lotz, who has previously said that she believes the Rapture will occur during her lifetime, reasoned that the fact that her father is still alive might have something to do with the return of Christ.


'My father's life is very unique. His life in ministry will never be equalled. The fact that he is still on this planet at 97 years of age, that is not an accident,' she explained. 'God is not whimsical and he does everything intentionally. The fact that my father is still here, God is holding him for a reason.'

Watch for the Day


The death of Billy Graham today has alerted many believers and here is something new to add to the post copied below regarding the Stock Market close numbers of the past three weeks.

The market closed today at 24797. If we subtract that number of days from today we will arrive at April 2, 1950. This was about the time Billy Graham was ramping up with his Crusades. April 2, 1950 was the 3rd Blood Moon of the 1949-1950 Tetrad. Amazing. If we also take the numbers of yesterday’s close we would arrive at 10 days after the second blood moon of that Tetrad and in the middle of Billy Graham’s famous 1949 Crusade in Los Angeles that is considered his first great crusade that launched him. It is striking that he began this success at the time of this Tetrad and got his start shortly before the UN Vote that would allow for the State of Israel.

Please read on to see how else the Market number has come into play. Billy Graham’s life has spread the gap and it is truly remarkable.

Daily Crow


He lived 99 years 3 months and 14 days or 99 + Pi. Drudge with the prophetic headline – And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14).

He died 40 days inclusive before Easter Sunday on April Fool’s Day which is the first day of Omer during Passover. Graham was born 4 days before WWI ended. James Blank pointed out in our Facebook group that he died 153 days after Feast of Trumpets 2017.

Keep looking up! The signs are converging more than ever! Make sure you are in the amazing family of our Creator if you have not already accepted that invitation!
