Coronavirus... the key catalyst for a major transition — Eternity Soon

Coronavirus... the key catalyst for a major transition

This video message from Amir Tsafarti is a clear, current and broad view on current world events focused on population control in contrast to the directive our Creator gave us from the beginning - to populate the earth. After Bible references to place a foundation, he gets going around the 20-min mark.

Vaccines and pharmaceuticals, abortion, non-heterosexual marriage, viruses, the climate change agenda and other initiatives by “the dark side” are firmly focused on reducing world population, and raising other concerns above the dignity and sacredness of human life itself over which God himself has the right to give and take away.

Setting ourselves up as “god” is pride, and as C.S Lewis famously expressed in his fear and warning of pride, that “pride after all, is what made the devil the devil”. This comes in direct contrast to the key of living in the Spirit of Life, the same Spirit that indwell Jesus and is available to all of us, the result of our stance of humility and faith.


I have no doubt that Coronavirus is a man-made virus. However this does not mean I believe it was released intentionally. [edit Aug2020 - I currently no longer subscribe to a theory of origin of the virus, and even if proven one way or another, my assertions are based on the importance of the catalyst affect of the virus in bringing down the old-world-order to be replaced with the new-world-order. In other words, wherever the virus originated and how it was released is of not particular importance to me, as I have no doubt the virus is part of a planned catalyst to bring about decades-old planning for a new world order - end edit].

It is a derivative of SARS, yet having additional amino-acids that significantly increase both the spread and aggressiveness of the virus. While it is possible that these additional amino-acids could have happened in nature, the odds are not in favour of this so that rational scientific probability leaves the result in “man-made” territory. The technology also exists, to create such a virus.

Having spent years studying world events from a desire to “join the dots” to form a coherent and rational explanation and picture, this virus both in timing and effect make sense from a number of perspectives. Here are a few thoughts.

If I was to describe the projected effect of Coronavirus on the world in my words, I would say it is the pin that will deflate the balloon of the current facade that is the world as we know it (remember, the prince of this world - Satan - is the father of lies and many of the systems in place in the world are a facade) and to unveil a truly evil system that will finally bring together many of the long-term plans of elite power-makers to control the population and the planet.

This system, on the surface, will not look evil and in fact will be embraced by the majority. This will be a worldwide system of government (one-world-government) controlling (or marketed as “supporting”) all aspects of daily life including health, identity, finance (payment methods, and possibly a UBI or Universal Basic Income) all of which will involve having a unique mark, chip, implant or DNA injection to achieve all this and provide the “security” needed and desired by most people. The other thing this system will control is free thinking (we’re already seeing this though massive incursions on freedom of speech - because speech of course, originates in thoughts and unless we can speak freely without fear of retribution in order to process and discuss matters of significance and yes - that does include the risk of offending others - , then we will curb our thinking to align with the “law” out of fear so that eventually we become thinkers that only think along the lines of prescribed patterns).

The culmination of so many elements that will be “problems” created (or highlighted) by Coronavirus, will be the perfect stage to set up the introduction of a world-wide system of being. And… it will make complete sense to much of the unprepared population (given the desperate circumstances that Coronavius will begin to uncover) to agree to this system for their own personal security. Who wouldn’t give up some personal freedoms, for the greater goal of personal survival? Especially if you don’t believe in a Creator who is powerful and has a greater plan to provide for you, keep you from evil and danger, and has the ultimate weapon - the unshakeable gift of eternal life to be lived forever in a perfectly-created world, realising this world will pass away and is temporary anyway!

The thing is, it will be embraced by the majority. The crisis will be so big, and people so unprepared mentally (we’re seeing the effects of this with Coronavirus and panic buying, along with irrational, desperate behaviour) and that is only the tiny soft-start to all this massive upheaval on the way).

Cultural “soul-depletion”
I’ll also mention, that after years of skin-deep conversations and thoughts (think “social” media (anti social really) and sound-byte conversations - limited-character tidbits and out-of-context images and projections to our ‘followers’ - we are used to not having to think too much. Our lives are already filled to capacity with such a broad and constantly changing information feed, that we don’t have mental or emotional room to process most things at a deep-enough level to provide any personal use or insight.

The utter dependence we have on the opinions of others both personally, and on media feeds, to form our own opinions (and these are increasingly more polarised (or binary) and intense than ever), has left us with a huge void of life-giving soul-living and we are mostly running around desperate for a drop of goodness and life as we flit from one demanding and busy activity to the next.

We, as a culture, are at personal breaking point, stretched to our limits, and many of us are past our constitutional ability, just handling everyday life as it has been (and yes, the life of our recent past, will always now be a distant memory, as the Coronavirus will be the trigger to usher in a brand new form of social and governmental behaviour that will relegate our “old lives” to the history books… this is not fear mongering, it’s just observations and yes, still only my opinion. I’m not trying to grandstand anything and there are still many people who are hanging onto things “returning to normal” in a few months, but rationally and practically I think this probability is low.

Here are some thoughts about the current state of play with this virus:

I’ll springboard from a Biblical perspective, because this is the glue that brings everything we see, together in an understandable way. There is an enemy of the human soul that seeks to entice our created free-will towards an eternal and ultimately destructive path for the simple reason of seeking god-like power, being followed and “worshipped as a god” (I mean really, is this not ringing some bells… how amazing it is that we are being trained in thinking this way with seeing how many “followers” we have of our own on anti-social-media?) , and this being pursues destroying all that his “enemy” has created, seeking revenge, being consumed with arrogance and hatred all-in-one, and attempting to create a kingdom of his own… and of course I’m talking about Lucifer, that “light bearer”, or fallen great-angel, Satan, the father of lies.

This battle has been raging since humankind was created… and in fact started when pride entered the heart and mind of Satan, the once majestic angel who convinced 1/3 of all created angels to defect and join his crusade to destroy all created good and attempt to overthrow the kingdom of our Creator, God himself.

Allowing free-will unfettered for a time, still serves the plan of God, and Satan continues (as do willing humans) to do his work on earth (and in the heavens) until this chapter and time of “human choosing” comes to an end. This time is coming soon, where the life-paths of each human will either have been found the path of life, or path of death. This all has to do with whether or not each human soul has chosen to accept the gift of life, unattainable any other way than by the literal son of God himself, given to us (accepting the spirit he had and still has, within us, in order to be “saved” from this separation from unity with God we are all born with) or of couse, the absence of such Spirit, which naturally ends up away from the source of life itself, and is death in every way… relationially, mind, will, and emotions.

The Bible clearly shows the end of this age will include the death of billions of people. Economic trial such as has never been seen (a day’s wage for a loaf of bread… in other words a complete re-set of the world economy as well as pestilence that creates enormous food shortages) and many other things mentioned elsewhere on this site - it’s worth noting that in some of the poorest countries in the world where food is already scarce and a sensitive life-source, record locusts are breeding to culminate in a possible unprecedented plague by around June/July in Africa / Middle East which could have a huge impact on the lives of many people. It has been labelled by Locust Watch as an “unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods.”

If we accept that Coronavirus is likely to “only” mainly affect those over 70 years of age, and those of pre-existing health conditions (I believe it could have greater longer-term health consequences we don’t yet realise) and as tragic as it will be to see this virus play out on the heath of billions around the world, I still do not believe this is the main, immediate impact of this virus yet. I believe the most pressing, immediate impact is going to be both the economic impact, and the combination of health/economic impact on the mental health and wellbeing of the world’s population.

Until now, most in the developed world at least, have not created a headspace that prepares them for a world that literally falls apart. To a normally-functioning society which healthy structures and systems in place, the effects of Coronavirus would be still major and widespread around the world. However the unhealthy structures and systems in place in our societies are so fragile, based on inflated, misrepresented, highly interconnected and dependent mirages of what is actually true, I believe is going to have a catastrophic affect on the world as we know it both in the systems we are used to see function (finance, health, government, industries etc) and the way people function or otherwise fall apart.

Just the economic fallout alone could easily go past recession territory (on a world-wide scale) into depression. Entire companies closing for good. Mass unemployment, leading to desperation, riots, shortages of basic necessities, over-stretched government resources (policing, health-care, economic stability)… in fact a fairly low-key virus (compared to many deadly viruses) is having this effect already….

Governments will throw enormous money at sick, inflated systems to try and keep them alive just a little longer so the mirage of prosperity can continue (actually this is going to impact the “prosperity” religious leaders a lot as many “fall away from the faith” because ;we were really riding on a system that gave the impression of wealth and had nothing to do with fundamental Divine favour). Markets are experiencing record drops whilst seeing billions injected for liquidity. More debt piled onto more debt.

In Australia, on average, the markets have dropped around 30% in less than 4 weeks, and this has been the experience of most major markets - record sell-offs, automatic trading halts triggered, massive pumps of cash injected for liquidity, and still the markets tank…

Italy is the first and therefore currently worst-affected country outside China from Coronavirus (this is only the beginning - other countries will follow the steps of Italy). Doctors who have limited supplies of ventilators, are having to make the gut-wrenching decision about who to choose between multiple patients and a single ventilator that could keep any one of them alive. A large number of Australian doctors have conveyed urgent concerns that they could be on the same path. In fact, one projection based on current rate of spread of the virus currently in Australia (currently just over 400) is that by 6th April, that number could be 10,000.

With a health system that already has most beds being utilised, there is virtually no spare capacity to withstand the health needs of a virus such as what is coming. Another expert warned that if the projected 25% Australian population contracted the virus to the point of requiring health care at a hospital level, every single bed from ICU to maternity and mental health would have to be taken and of course this is not practical as births still occur, emergencies happen, and so on.

In just a few short weeks, Australia’s major airline carriers have suspended 90% of international flights. Whole industries from services industries, entertainment, retail - all interdependent, are coming to a halt. Livelihoods are being affected on a large scale, so that ability to pay our already record levels of household debt are looking grim. People who have less than a month’s savings for living expenses, are going to be stretched having kids at home due to school closures, not being able to earn an income, having bills to pay… and of course landlords needing bills paid themselves, are going to need the rent from people unable to pay rent… and banks need the interest and capital payments for their loans for properties, and require landlords to pay… and suddenly our inflated property market will tank. The construction industry, trades, services, revenue at all levels, taxes collected from a government level will be reduced… this is only a short look in one direction, but there is a massive fallout on the way as a result of the halt to everyday life the Coronavirus will cause.

Even with China reopening factories, being a supplier of around 30% of global output, demand will be low for many previously consumed goods, as people conservatively save money for essentials, and refuse to enter the until-recent-system of continued “spending” in order to keep the economy engine going. (Have a look at this article about the effect on industries globally just today, before the pandemic has really even begun… ).

Even the Australian government (as with many other governments) are releasing “helicopter money” (dropping money into people’s accounts) similar to what the Rudd government did during the GFC when $10 billion was pumped into the economy to “encourage spending” and keep things going… we are already past the billions spent at that time, which was also a time when the Howard government had achieved a net-zero debt for our country. Today, just over 10-years on, our national debt is well over $400 billion and this crisis will prove to be many times bigger.

Also, our interest rates (one of just a few tools used for economic stimulus or in this case perhaps “jump-starting” a soon-to-be dead economy), are at record lows. QE (printing money) is already taking place and on it goes…. trying to revive what has for a long time been a debt (disease)-ridden economic system and like one of the famous elitists said years ago - capitalism is an experiment that is currently in unknown territory.

It was always a matter of time, that a fake, debt-fuelled machine based on subjective market-driven (people’s-mind-driven) values will always have the result of over-inflation that like any balloon, cannot be pumped up forever. Either we let the balloon down voluntarily, or it will burst. So, once again I believe Coronavirus will be the (man-made) pin that pops the balloon of the (man-made) global economy, and usher in the new plan for global government, something in the pipeline for many decades.

Even more concerning, and outside the scope of these comments, is the social impact of these economically traumatic events. Social distancing, at a time when social connection is one of the most needed aspects to a person’s life, will make this time even more difficult to go through for many people.

People will be by themselves, with little or no income, and no ability to socialise due to government-enforced isolation practices enforced using the Biosecurity Act passed in 2015 (France has just tasked 100,000 police to enforce mandatory self-isolation)… and Australia has laws that allow law enforcement to do home visits to ensure compliance. So, the social impact is going to be great in many ways, due to the impact of Coronavirus…. yet amazingly, this is all part of the bigger picture that forms the end of this age… and the return of Christ to take ultimate and final charge of all things (remember though, before this occurs, there will be a fake peace come about through this new world-government that will give the impression things are coming under control and peace and security will be the buzz words).

Just a comment on Bible prophecy as it relates to Israel…as has been documented elsewhere on this site, the war against Israel headed by an alliance including Russia, will not have the intervention of the US according to Bible prophecy. Until now, this has looked like an unrealistic scenario given the support Israel has enjoyed, and even more so now enjoys, from the US, however it’s amazing how quickly this is coming together.

The US is practically broke, and this virus will show this truth in vivid colour as the world economy shuts down. For years, the world has been under the illusion of financial stability based on the US Dollar, that until a few short decades ago, was the remaining currency in the world based on gold. However the “temporary” suspension of the Bretton Woods agreement in the early 1970’s due to the struggling US Dollar, meant the world’s financial system was fully unanchored and not based on gold, allowing a monetary system based on nothing and pumped up with hot air which has had the illusion of being very successful - in fact the materialism explosion certainly makes it look successful… however debt piled onto debt at every level from household, corporate, to government was always going to be unsustainable.

The fast deflation of this system, with the US at it’s head, I believe will render the US powerless and quickly transfer the until-now slow balance of super-power over to other powers vying for supremacy such as Russia and China. In Bible prophecy about the end of the age, which is very much looking like right-now, when the alliance headed by Russia invades Israel (remembering all the incredible value in Israel from oil, gas, natural resource, technology, agriculture, and plain wealth… aside from the fact Israel is a consistent source of disruption for the plans of expanding middle-east interests from opposing and satanically-influenced empires), the US is at most a bystander voicing disapproval at the actions taken against Israel, and along with Saudi Arabia, render no practical help to Israel.

So, along with economic and social upheaval, the Coronavirus in my opinion, will likely bring about great shifts in geopolitical arenas and is the ideal time for patient, forward-thinking entities to make their move on the global stage. The way the world looks in just 6 months time from now, and again in 2 years time will be completely different to the world we just left a few short months ago (at least, the ILLUSION of the world we used to have until Coronavirus was released). Certainly, the rate of change and the intensity of this change, will be unprecedented. If you combine just the Coronavirus impacts with existing developments also discussed elsewhere on this site (such as technology and Artificial Intelligence - AI) this “ramping up” of speed and intensity is exactly the scenario also spoken of by Jesus to ensure we “Look Up” at this time as His return is near.

If you are worried or wondering about what all this coming upheaval means, please take a look around this site and find some hope! There is plenty of hope, love, and reason to have faith. This current life we see is not all there is - a much greater and better plan is being implemented that will bring us to realise our true created potential and has nothing to do with what is happening on an evil scale here on earth right now, except that it must encourage us to look deeply within and realise we are so powerless to save ourselves to a life that is truly eternal and good… that validates everything about us that is created to thrive and embrace the full expression of our souls, in community, and an environment so supportive and full, that we will have found our true home… and of course I’m talking about Heaven. The new heavens and new earth promised by our Creator, makes complete sense if we see what is happening now as being a cleaning-out of evil and the last chance to make a faith choice for our lives and be saved from the evil system being rolled out to ultimately destroy humanity.

Peace that surpasses all understanding

I personally feel prepared, and at peace about the current projection of current world events. Why is this? Mainly, it’s due to having a peace that is not natural….it’s super-natural. It’s not sourced or based in this world at all. I’ve been given it as a free gift, and it’s in exchange for my anxieties, given to my loving, Creator-father.

The events we see line up perfectly with what has been told will happen, by the one being who can be trusted and is able to see outside time and advise on all things as needed for our own good. Will you trust him too? This is the question. Are you ready, for all things coming, secure that ultimately, we will be faced with the question of what we have based our lives on… is it on the systems created by man under the influence of evil spiritual forces that will have the facade of being good, yet ultimately being degrading us and destroying us? Or will we say the Spirit of Jesus - the way, truth and life who came to show us true good - transparent, powerful, and just… good!

Yes, good does win over evil in this story, and we are about to see the ultimate battle begin… so be encouraged not to bend to fear, and rather rejoice in good each day… the systems of the world are coming apart, and will be replaced with a very evil and destructive system, yet if our foundation personally does not subscribe to anything planted in this world, we will have the unshakable heart, resting in the arms of the Creator.

Many parts of the Bible assure us and challenge us not to fear what woman and man can do to us. Rather, we should fear the one who has the power over our souls and sees our hearts. Choose true life today from the Source… it will change your life forever. Have a look over here if you want to know more.

My prayer upon you today, is one of peace, faith, hope, and love placed firmly upon an unshakeable foundation - the love of our Creator who has a good plan for both of us. Take care and God Bless you.
