
Coincidence Vs Design - Update 8 Feb 2018

We are living in the most incredible time in the history of mankind. The window is fast-closing for our decision. In the context of design we find that coincidence is merely a psychological construct. The signs leading up to the Big Evacuation and the Great Transition continue at a rapid rate.

Update 21 Nov

Update 21 Nov

CONVERGENCES: Whether you're looking in the Middle East (Israel in particular); technology convergence; geo-political movements; or earth-changes, I am hearing a very common theme from many and varied commentators which is this: it is very hard to comprehend how the alignment of things we see today (that perfectly fits the biblical and prophetic line-up needed) could stay this way for very long. There is a window here that is historic, prophetic, and happening right now.

The Prophetic Alignment of Nations...JD Farag's Update - VIDEO

The Prophetic Alignment of Nations...JD Farag's Update - VIDEO

Pastor J.D. zeroes in on the movement afoot to destroy America from within and without, thus rendering her inconsequential in coming to Israel’s defense, and paving the way for a nuclear attack against Israel in fulfilment of Ezekiel 38.

"The world today is exactly like what we were told the world would be like at the time of the end." - JD Farag