12 years of updates - never a time like this


JD Farag has been doing prophecy updates (updates about history written ahead of time) since 2006. In all of that time, there is no doubt how close we are to the Big Evacuation.

In particular, in this video (11th Feb 2018) he discusses the "serious implications of the Israeli F-16 shot down by Iran from Syria" including the destruction of Damascus, that Isaiah 17 says will render it un-inhabitable, that he also believes will lead to the fulfilment of Ezekiel 38.

Everything we are told will happen, is happening as we speak.

Friends: the world is not benign. An assault on your soul to thwart a positive decision for Life is underway, whilst immense encouragement is also here today, to make that very choice - and come alive to our Creator.

Here are some comments sourced from the video that is recommended watching:

Last weekend, for the first time in history, Iran penetrated Israeli airspace with a drone. Israel shot it down and proceeded to pursue the destruction of targets in Syria including the control centre for the drone (by the way those who know Amir, from Behold Israel News, you'll know this also presents a concern for the US as the drone appears to be a copy of the advanced US-made RQ-170 stealth drone captured by Iran in 2011).

The misinformation coming from Syrian media does not ring true. Iran's goal is to have a military presence in Syria along with Russia, against Israel.

It is not a Syrian decision in any way to have shot down the F-16, and rather implicates Russia. Russia is interested in Lebanon being an oil nation, which according to Ezekiel 38 lines up with Russia's goal of "taking a spoil".

Iran's goal is for the destruction of Israel. According to Iran and Islam, Israel cannot exist, and must be destroyed in order for their "messiah" to return. This is a reason for their "death to Israel" marches, and publicly stated goal as such.

The incursion of a drone into Israeli airspace is a serious Iranian attack on Israeli territory. This is the first time an Israeli aircraft has been shot down by Syria since the Lebanese civil war in 1982.

It has profound implications in the days and weeks ahead.

Israeli military have labelled it a large scale attack, and a dramatic escalation in tensions along it's Northern border.

VIDEO - 11th Feb 2018 - 33mins