Is Australia aligning with Global Governance?


This article is just a brief look at some of the technology being rolled out in Australia today. The fear that terrorism (and climate change) has brought upon our country and the world, has paved the way for the fast-implementation of a global system of government-control.

Let's have a quick look at how Australia is joining the global integration of it's citizens into a system that will eventually allow "governance" from a centralised world system.


Australia's Prime Minster is a tech wiz. With a background in institutional banking, technology and law among others, Malcolm Turnbull managed to secure a $40 million windfall a few years after he invested $500k in internet startup Ozemail in the 1990's. He's a smart guy with a plan, and ability to achieve it. He has quickly responded to and is implementing, technology that brings all Australians into a connected world.

When Communications Minister for the Australian government, he championed the passing of the metadata-retention laws. These required Internet Service Providers (ISP's) to store data about our phone-lives for 2 years. It meant that every number of every text messasge sent or phone call made, and the history of our geographic location times, dates and duration based on phone tower logs will remain available to many agencies and organisations for 2 years. An ABC News article found those who have requested ongoing access to this data already include such organisations as Greyhound Racing Victoria, and Bankstown City Council showing a wide interest in what this information offers. Of course it's available to many government agencies.

Microchip Implants

Turning to our personal lives (as if metadata isn't personal), a natural progression of having multiple PIN's, passwords, information and data stored everywhere, including on multiple plastic cards we carry around... is to centralise everything in one place.

The technology for this has been around for some time, however the "soft start" has started - publicising the benefits of putting all this on a small RFID chip, implanted into the soft tissue in our hands.

In August, employees in the US volunteered having implants to enable access through doors, to photocopiers, and vending machines at their company office (see here).

Last month, 9 News broadcast some early-adopters using the same technology to allow access through doors, boom gates, storing medical information readable by smart phones... all without carrying a wallet or handbag. Everything can be stored on the chips in our hands.

Pause for thought...

Are we entering a system, or is it the other way around? How close is the world from a tipping point, making this technology mandatory for all who want to receive the "benefits" of a governing world body? Is the fear of terrorism and climate change being used to "bring us together" in unity, harmony and embrace a new world? Are we getting desperate, out of options, and ready for this?

Add this, with the increased adoption of crypto-currencies and blockchain technology around the world from banks, governments and corporations, we have a new world-monetary system right around the corner.

Does it look a little like another verse in Revelation?

Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark... Rev 13:16-17

The Biometric Connection

Something many of us may have missed, is the fast implementation of bio-metric scanning in public places, happening around Australia.

First though, let's take a step back from Turnbull and head over to Immigration Minister Peter Dutton who has publicly announced the upgrade of a biometric system at airports, to do away with passport scanning. In what could become a world-first, this system aims to service 90% of travellers automatically without human involvement by March 2019, using fingerprints, iris scanning or biometric facial structure to determine identity at Australia's international airports.

I find it helps to pause, and consider the implications of this technology entering our world today. Our national media tends to reflect the prose of the government when it comes to anti-terror initiatives because of course, terrorism is the main reason most Australian's no longer blink an eye when more and more privacy-invading laws and technology enters our lives.

The following articles from ABC and Canberra Times paint a glowing features-and-benefits story of this technology here and here.

However looking a little between the lines, we can see just how connected these systems are internationally. John Coyne, head of border security at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said the innovation was possible because of the massive amount of passenger data – including ticket information, travel history and criminal records – sourced globally and analysed in the back room. (Source).

The thing about biometrics, is that if they are hacked and the information (in this case, your identity) stolen, it is not reversible. Do you go and get a new face if your biometrics are hacked in a breach of the government system?

Getting back to our PM, Turnbull believes the risk of hacking is worth it. According to this article, we are now staring down the barrel of having all drivers licences from every state, put into a national database that is connected to biometric technology, and using powerful algorithms, will be matched against data from cameras in public places. For example, shopping centres, airports, sporting venues and anywhere with CCTV capability. How exciting. It's called the National Facial Biometric Matching Capability and will use CCTV cameras feeding real-time footage to law enforcement to identify suspects and criminals (no one else of course). And once again, the risk of hacking is worth it according to our PM.

The thing is, there is no turning back now. We are heading full bolt into what is an inevitable system of real-time surveillance and control in response to a world in chaos. It's the result of generations of living without acknowledging our loving Creator who set the universe to run according to a set of governing laws. Our inability to keep them is understood by Him, but while keeping our free-will intact, has made possible our reconciliation just by receiving the gift, while He has powerfully done all the work for us. Amazing.

hacking is now - global governance is soon

From a technology perspective, we are deep into the implementation of 24/7 public surveillance being handed over to algorithms scanning and tracking our every move with biometrics, location and communications data from our lives. This huge reality, is only made greater when other converging technologies are implemented such as the internet of things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Quantum computing, DNA modification, and wireless brain-interfacing with the internet become fully developed. All these things bring benefits, and risks - both of which are more powerful than before.

Example - Hackable IoT

The wonderful features and dangerous risks connected technology bring are like the laws of physics though - for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.

The IoT alone will provide much more information to authorities than is possible today (yes, even your fridge may help, and in fact, Samsung's smart fridge allows you to look inside using your iPhone from the shopping centre - saves writing a list ) as tens of billions of everyday things are inter-connected and will help solve crime and make our lives easier.

However for every connected thing, there is the potential to hacking. Remember the high-profile hacking of a Jeep from a laptop miles away, which disabled its drive system, brakes and allowed control of it's steering? The subsequent recall included a downloadable patch installed via USB.

back to information hacking

With the Australian breaches of Medicare and the Bureau of Meteorology (one of Australia's most secure networks), and known shortages of cyber-savvy anti-warfare experts available for Australia, we have to be prepared for the inevitable "give yourself to the government before someone else gets you!".

A brief look at the recent Equifax breach (44% of the US have their social security numbers, birthdates, addresses and full credit history available to criminals) and Yahoo now admitting that every one of their 3 billion accounts were hacked (that's approaching nearly half the planet!) including names, email addresses and passwords (and of course any email contents accessed), we can see how easily those who want our identity, can get it.

With these real-time biometric identity systems in place in Australia, and one step away, from connecting to a globalised system, really, it's not hard to see the emergence of a centralised, global system of government with precise information about our lives available to them at any time, and have the ability to control our buying and selling by having a trackable and cashless system. This beast-system of control will soon be available to the antiChrist as prophesied in the book of Revelation. And this, begs the question of how soon could the Great Tribulation be and therefore, the wonderful Blessed Hope of the rapture preceding it?

final thoughts

A recent article in USA Today acknowledges that a month of record hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, floods and threat of nuclear war has even the average American thinking about end times. Really - one has to be very asleep or ignorant not to notice this crazy world right now. The question is, what does it all mean?

As I personally look forward to being removed from the earth shortly in the rapture of the church, along with many other believers in what Christ has done and having accepted His Spirit within me, I long for others to see clearly, the lateness of the hour and also believe. I have accepted many will be saved after the rapture event, as the massive implications of that event sink in and the 7-year tribulation unfolds. However, I long for other to see the signs of the times and allow the amazing love of our Creator to embrace them today.

Seeing these technologies today, brings with it the obvious question of trajectory - if this system is just around the corner, then how close could the Rapture of the Church from the earth, followed by the Great Tribulation be?

On September 23, 2017, we were served notice of these ominous events which are coming soon, with a Great Sign in Heaven - a a truly unique and powerful celestial marker matching the description of Revelation 12:1-2. The announcement has been made.

Of course those who have put their trust in Christ, and his atoning work for our reconciliation with our Father Creator, YHWH before the tribulation begins, can look forward to escaping all that is to come in the Blessed Hope, that day we are caught up into the very place His Son Yeshua (Jesus) said He was going away to prepare for us. If you have not done so, I invite you to give your life over to Him, and not the world government that is to come. It will not be able to save you from what is coming upon the earth over the next few years. Our Creator's plan all along, has been to make a new heavens and new earth (2 Pet 3:13 - not a difficult thing for Him to do) and for us to live reconciled with him and each other, in a place where time never ends.

To have a fresh look at a timeless message, consider Christ again - see how much He does love you, right where you are, and how following Him is a light burden in a world full of heaviness. Take the time to read our Good News page to see if perhaps, He might find a way into your heart, and save you prior to any of this mess happening upon the earth. There is so much to look forward to - and really, the faith, hope and love that is timeless and eternal is available to us all today.

I really hope we get to meet soon. How awesome will eternity be with the Source of life itself?