Thank you
We are so fortunate to have such dedicated researchers who continue to watch, learn, share and encourage. Some of us are at times struggling to comprehend the implications of the very significant signs we see. Articles like the ones below (including Paul Dawson's video) are reminders that what we have seen is real, and the story fits together even more tightly once we consider what is happening right now.
Quick Reminder
Remember, that according to Revelation 3:3 we should know the day and hour of Jesus' return. So it is wise to continue to watch as we are commanded to do.
The odds of the September 23/24 alignment even occurring in the sky at all have been calculated as being astronomical. The fact it matched a detailed description in the book of Revelation (whilst keeping an eye on the very significant convergences of this current age) should have us consider carefully our response.
2 new articles and a video from Brad, Daniel and Paul showing how we have only just begun. It's not over. We can see now in retrospect, how the Sign of Revelation 12 is fitting a part of a larger story including the passages afterwards, comprising Revelation 12:1-5 and how this is now being played out in the heavens.
It is exciting, sobering, amazing and ultimately glorifying to Him who has created all we see and don't see - in the incredible symmetry, alignment, convergence, and culmination of what will be the end of the age of grace, and the attention turning to Israel while judgement falls upon the earth.
Don't be left behind. Take action now if you haven't already. If not, at least read the take action and good news pages to get an idea for preparation. Many will come to faith after the rapture, when a realisation hits about what has taken place, and what remains and develops on the earth very shortly afterwards.
2 New Articles and Video
Here are 2 current articles and video I highly recommend and ones that have encouraged me to keep looking up, watching, waiting and being ready for the soon return of our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Messiah.
Article 1
Brad has done a ripper article discussing the period in November 2017 and I can't recommend it highly enough for those still willing to watch and wait for the return of our Creator's Son Yeshua soon. Good onya Brad!
In November around the 13th, Venus (representing Christ, and has been travelling around in conjunctions with significant players in this final age) meets Jupiter, thus completing the head (Venus / Christ) with the Body (Jupiter / Church) as below:
Here's an extract from Brad's article:
“I am convinced the Rev12 Sign was the real deal... If you are still visiting this site you probably are as well. I actually believe it takes very little faith to believe such a thing when you ponder the scriptural references and the odds of such an alignment coming together so precisely. It was something we saw with our own eyes for crying out loud! Add on top of that all the other world events and ‘signs of the times’ which make it abundantly clear that we are living in a time period with huge prophetic significance. ”
Article 2
Daniel Matson in his new article, equally as conscientious, has illustrated how the day counts from significant events converge on this time. The humility and tenacity he has to keep digging and watching for what we know cannot be denied as signs. While those with less patience or unbelief have moved on, he remains faithful to searching out the truth of what we are seeing.
After reading carefully (it took me a couple of runs through) I'm finding it hard to dismiss out of hand. The dates and numbers do not lie. They are real, and we have to take note. There is every reason an all-knowing and powerful Creator would use everything we know today and have access to, in order to make sure we anticipate his return on time.
Here's an extract from Daniel's article:
“Here we go again, but not really! I realize many have grown weary and skeptical, but the fact remains that here were are in a Post-Revelation-12-Sign-of-the- Woman moment and it has only begun. It is not over, and we are not there yet.
What has kept this fire going is knowing many of the pieces that have been put together over the years that are able to construct such diagrams as the one on the right. Timed with events in the heavens and specific themes of history, such as the ends of World War 1, World War 2, Israel’s Independence War, the Six-Day-War, the Israel-Hezbollah War, and even the end of Armageddon, the precision is astronomical. Actually it is beyond astronomical! It is knowing this that has kept the fire alive to these last possible moments.”
Finally, from Paul Dawson we have a presentation on just how significant the following are in relation to the Revelation 12 Sign, and November 13 2017. He covers the following:
- Circumspect of Venus
- The Sign in Retrospect
- The Behavior of the Sign
- Three Conjunctions of Venus
- The Bright and Morning Star
- One last look at the heavens
Here is the video (13 minutes):
Final Thoughts
As we head into the final weeks of 2017, don't relegate what has happened so far this year as insignificant due to "nothing happening" i.e. major war, rapture, tribulation etc. All our culture wants is to know "what's going to happen" in relation to any particular sign or event, otherwise they walk away. This is the "itching ears" syndrome, warned about in 2 Tim 4:3. However none of these things can be denied, and they need interpretation.
What we are witnessing today is not a fad, or a man's prophecy, or a marketing hype or anything of the sort. We need reverence, awe, and really it's time to get on our knees, look up, and worship the One who Created all. The time has come. Strip off all that hinders, look neither to the left or right, for our redemption draweth nigh. Nothing compares to eternity, and all of life makes sense in this context. The Plan is on time, as appointed, and will be done.
Be ready and keep looking up!