Update 29 November


As with all my posts, they are intended to remind us to develop a personal trajectory of years remaining for humanity, before the Great Tribulation prophesied in the Bible takes place. By investigating technology, politics, religion, economics and other major areas in light of Bible prophecy being fulfilled, we know there is an end to the Age of Grace in motion, coming soon, as planned.

For the record again, I am a believer a pre-tribulation rapture is scriptural, meaning those with faith in Yeshua will be taken away before it all begins, escaping the judgement upon the earth (read how to do this here). So the perspective on this site is (for me and many others) great anticipation and excitement whilst concern and motivation to tell others while there is still time.

If you are not sure this is forseeable, I would encourage you to spend some time studying either Artificial Intelligence and it's trajectory, or Bible prophecy including Ezekiel 38/39 and Revelation 12:1-2, all of which have current application in 2017.

The question being posed here is not whether these things described in Revelation will take place. It is without question that they will. The question is who is ready?

Many people believe there must be more to this life  - and they are right. Life makes a whole lot more sense when viewed from Eternity, back into today. The Bible says Eternity is actually placed into our hearts. So when thinking from an eternal perspective, we are then living closer to our original design.

We have a choice to make - will we accept the amazing love given for us, and be saved (it's the only way!) or keep doing our own thing?

We entertain ourselves with end-of-days type media for years, and it's starting to happen at a rapid rate in real life. So really, we have been de-sensitised in advance to seeing the actual day arriving that will mark the beginning of the Great Tribulation of God's judgement upon the earth.

Reading a site like this can feel like another 2-hour movie of destruction, asteroid impacts, pandemic disease, alien-type encounters, autonomous robots, and deep levels of control over everyday life.. and in movies we are used to the fact that it's over soon enough. We are used to hearing doom and gloom and are trained out of it's serious implications for real life and the fact it is actually coming! It's depressing if you don't have hope of Christ, yet it's incredibly exciting and engaging when you have the very spirit of Yeshua inside, guiding, energising and hoping for that day when we'll all be together with Him.

The days we have now are exactly what was prophesied as in the Days of Noah.

In addition, we now have the big news of the possibility of war against Israel looming, led by Russia, Iran and Turkey. This was prophesied 2,800 years ago in Ezekiel 38 / 39 and the year 2017 is the first time this alignment has happened since then with the military units of all three countries operating in Syria which will become their launchpad against Israel, God's chosen nation. We also have news of Sudan (another of the countries prophesied) now coming to Russia in some alignment.

Let's keep watch, look up, and if you haven't accepted Yeshua's Spirit - it's really time to do so (it's not just about being included in the Rapture, but about connection with your Father... amazing!)

Here's some items of interest from this last week:

artificial intelligence

The Darker Side of AI

Continuing our theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) development, this video explores the various examples of current AI that are disturbing.

Once AI is viewed in the eyes of Bible prophecy, AI answers some questions about how the future foretold thousands of years ago, could very well be on our doorstep.

When people make a judgement about the future of AI like "she'll be right mate" - we have to remember that AI is being touted as either the worst, OR the best thing to happen to humanity, and we're just not sure which one yet. A study on Wait But Why published in 2015 saw up to 80% of experts being pessimistic about the end game of AI, when it surpasses the entire intelligence of the planet which appears to be the inevitable trajectory.

Video includes examples of AI-generated artwork; brain implants developed to change moods, the humanoid Sophia now being interviewed regularly; Regina Dugan (ex DARPA Director, now Google Executive) and technology chips that can be ingested / tech tattoos etc; the new Church of AI to worship the inevitable AI god; and the effect of AI media programming for kids.

21 mins, Published 28 Nov, 2017



sophia unleashed on Bitcoin

The following video also investigates this further, with a collection of well-known quotes and interviews from those across AI including Putin, Musk, Hawking, and includes part of the humanoid robot debate between Han and Sophia of the future of humanity. A worthwhile thought on Bitcoin is also raised - especially when considered in light of the Wait But Why articles (1&2) and how AI could take control of world systems and ultimately rule the world. One question raised is that of who owns AI - do humans own AI, or does AI own itself?

29 mins, Published 15 Nov, 2017




Facebook Announces It Will Use A.I. To Scan Your Thoughts "To Enhance User Safety"

How do you feel about being watched on Facebook (more than you already are)? Facebook has taken upon itself to be a worldwide watchdog on people who are suicidal, by using thought-pattern recognition algorithms applied to your posts that AI detects as suicidal. It will then alert friends, or authorities in order to pre-empt an attempt. Facebook says this AI application could be able to identify different issues other than suicide as well.

I wonder what those different issues could be? Oh well on we go...

This Facebook update cannot be "opted out" of, and will be applied to all users.



Facebook was built to exploit ‘psychological vulnerability’ – founding president

This article is to be read in context of Facebook's USD $750+ billion value making it the 6th most valuable company in the world, with 2 billion users worldwide.

Excerpts from article:

"Sean Parker, the founding president of Facebook, says the company was designed to “consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible” and warns the platform could affect developing minds in negative ways.

Parker explained that Facebook uses likes, comments and shares to create a “social-validation feedback loop” that keeps users addicted to the platform.

“The inventors, creators — it’s me, it’s Mark [Zuckerberg], it’s Kevin Systrom on Instagram, it’s all of these people — understood this consciously,” Parker said. “And we did it anyway.”

Parker pointed to surveys that have shown a “huge rise in anxiety” among young adults in recent years and said that Facebook “interferes with productivity in weird ways” and “literally changes your relationship with society.”


JD Farag Update

JD Farag's update this week was a pretty passionate take on the clear alignment now, of Iran, Russia and Turkey, illustrated with the Sochi meeting. JD explains the background on why Iran is motivated against Israel (which is based on it's own religious belief that Israel holds the key to their own end-time prophetic future), and also why Russia is so keen on Israel (Putin has now been dubbed the "energy Czar" of the region). Israel has the untapped fields of Golan Heights, which is ten-times the size of the average world-wide discovery.

While we're here, it's worth remembering the incredible prosperity of Israel (which is a blessing of God). Israel is a top-20 country according to the UN, yet is just 70 years old with 8.5 million people. They began with nothing - no oil, no tech, no resources. Their tech industry is now a world leader. They have 60% of the world-wide drone market, and Intel employ 10,000 people in israel, 60% of whom work in advanced R&D. They are one of the world's largest military hardware exporters, and Mercedes has now announced they will be setting up a centre in Israel to research autonomous car technology.

38 mins, Published Nov 26, 2017


Seven accidents on the Seventh Fleet

The infamous streak of accidents continued last weekend for a current total of seven, in the Seventh Fleet of the US Navy.

Knowing an almighty Creator is showing us signs of His return, His plans, and the transition of the Age away from grace to judgement upon the world, I would not see any of this as coincidence, and is in line with some of the historic events that have happened in the US recently (see our Current Signs 2017 page for further study on the US situation this year).

The worst of these 7 accidents occurred on August 21, the day of the Great American Eclipse, again a historic event which is repeated in 7 years time, forming an "X" across the US mainland. To me, it demonstrates a warning that the gentile (non-Israelite) age is coming to an end, with the US being the great gentile nation of our day.

7th fleet.jpg

As we have said in other articles and pages, it seems the US is disintegrating. The shifting of energy power has gone to Putin, away from the Saudi's (spelled "U.S."); the US dollar is coming under attack from various new financial strongmen including the BRICS countries, oil trading in Yuan, and the fast rise of decentralised money and contracts coming with blockchain technology (eg Bitcoin & Ethereum). Socially the country is divided in many ways, and the US military is weaker (despite having the largest military budget in the world many times over) according to a recent report.